The 181st Intelligence Wing brings hundreds of military men and women to Hulman Field for training exercises and other operations including:
- Geospatial Intelligence Analysis
- Signals Analysis
- Support for U-2, Global Hawk, RQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper Aircraft with multiple sensor packages.
The 181st Intelligence Wing’s mission is to provide the information with speed and fidelity necessary to operate on a global level. “Never has the 181st had as significant of an impact on battle space on a global as they do right now,” said Colonel Clark.
Through imagery and signal analysis they provide the necessary and highly technical support and airpower for ground command missions.
Over 900 airmen, employees and defense contractors work with the 181st on a daily basis. And nearly 400 of those airmen provide mission support in the form of highly technical logistics, communication and civil engineering.
In addition to battle support, the 181st is prepared to provide support to domestic operation through natural and manmade disasters and FEMA support.

U.S. Air Force Officers and Airmen from the 181st Intelligence Wing CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP) train nursing students from Indiana State University in medical response prior to a mock medical emergency at the ISU Aviation Academy hangar, Hulman Field Terre Haute, Ind., Mar. 5, 2016.

U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Control Party Airmen with the 181st Intelligence Wing, 113th Air Support Operations Squadron conduct Close Air Support operations on the observation post while working with F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft while at Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field , Ariz.