Terre Haute Regional Airport is a national leader in unmanned aircraft systems (or UAS). Also known as drones, UAS are used in a countless number of fields of work including agriculture, mining, real estate, photography and much more.
Terre Haute Regional Airport is proud to be heavily involved in this area. With our certification to use restricted airspace and partnering with the 181st Intelligence wing, as well as Indiana State University, we are carving a path to remain a leader in the UAS industry.

Restricted Airspace
With a COA and training centers nearby, the airport is carving a path for unmanned systems. Click to learn more about the restricted airspace at the airport.

181st Intelligence Wing
The 181st Intelligence Wing provides battle and domestic support on a global level. Click to learn more about the hundreds of military men and women that come to Hulman Field for training and other operations.

Indiana State University - UAV Systems
Indiana State University is a leader in Unmanned Systems. Click to learn more.