Craig Maschino chosen to lead Terre Haute Regional Airport
CASY Benefit Hangar Dance
Join us at the Terre Haute Regional Airport for our first annual Hangar Dance, sponsored by Hoosier Aviation. Get your tickets online at www.hangardance.eventbrite.com We look forward to seeing you! Contact us at (812) 877-2524 with any questions.

Terre Haute Regional Airport Gateway Strategic Plan
A public meeting will present information related to the Terre Haute Regional Airport Gateway Strategic Plan. The public is invited to gather information and provide input. Airport representatives and the Strategic Plan project team will be available to discuss the project and answer your questions. The Public Meeting will begin at 4:30 p.m., the Zoom […]

Public Meeting, March 4th
PUBLIC MEETING, MARCH 4th Terre Haute Regional Airport Gateway Strategic Plan Details at the link Meeting Invitation Website (1)

Terre Haute Regional Airport Seeks New Partner For Airport Terminal
Terre Haute Regional Airport Seeks New Partner For Airport Terminal REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY – TERRE HAUTE REGIONAL AIRPORT TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA The Terre Haute Regional Airport-Hulman Field seeks to identify interested parties to enter into a lease agreement to operate and manage a retail space within the airport terminal building. The Terre Haute Regional […]

Air Race Classic, USA’s only air race for women, comes to Terre Haute in 2020
It was recently announced that Terre Haute Regional Airport will be the terminus point for the 2020 Air Race Classic, the USA’s only air race for women. The terminus is the goal destination reached only after pilot teams have made fly-bys at 8 or 9 en route timing points. The typical route for the multi-day […]

Airport Executive Director, Jeff Hauser, recognized at National Guard ceremony
Airport Executive Director Jeff Hauser has a special bond with Terre Haute. That’s why, when it came time for the Brigadier General to retire from the Indiana Air National Guard, he chose to have the ceremony conducted in Terre Haute. Brigadier General Hauser has a long illustrious military career. It began in Terre Haute in […]
NIFA gets set to land in Terre Haute
The 2018 edition of the National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s SAFECON event is approaching. This year’s national event will be hosted at Terre Haute Regional Airport. ABC WAWV filed this report in advance of the competition. SAFECON 2018 – College Pilots Ready For Takeoff [WAWV Indiana]
“The Haute” Video Series visits the Terre Haute Regional Airport
Lynn Hughes, host of “The Haute,” stopped in for a visit to the airport terminal, and a quick flight. This 5-minute video log is a fun look at the important roles the airport fills in the community.